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Day 280 Forest Farm & the Opera

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Elvie's Year in Photos 2011: Day 280 Forest Farm & the Opera

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 280 Forest Farm & the Opera

Friday 7 October

Well, today was much better than yesterday! Most importantly Mel is ok though bored with resting! Picked up my bike first thing. It's had a new front brake assembly so should be easier to ride as it was binding previously as well as popping apart, which was quite annoying. I put the camera in the car as I set off, though not really expecting to take any photos. Our Daily challenge was Luxury and, suprise! suprise! I parked about 6 doors down from the bike shop.....outside a jewellers!  Photo sorted by 10.00am!  I did have the shop owner come out to question what I was doing! It must have looked suspicious but I was in a public place, photographing what they had put on public display so had every right.  I was really nice to her and tried to reassure her that my interest was photography , not jewelry. I'm not sure she was totally convinced!

Pm I went for a walk on my own around Forest Farm, the small nature reserve along the old canal & in woodland.  There were few interesting birds visible and the light was very intermittent. I'd only taken my big 400mm lens ( which has a max aperture of 5.6 & no image stabilisation :o  ) and hence need a lot of light to take a sharp photo.  I ended up taking photos of patches of the dappled sunlight that had interesting leaves in! I couldn't resist a mallard or two & the moorhen.  I was suprised at the moorhen shot - I usually go for simple backgrounds, this wasn't but seems to work.

In the evening Ian & I went into Cardiff to the Millenium Centre, our lovely new concert venue to see the Welsh Opera Company's performance of The Barber of Seville. We thoroughly enjoyed it although we are far from being opera buffs. It was very light & humorous.  En route I couldn't help noticing how nice Cardiff Bay is at night.  I must take my camera & tripod down there one evening before it gets too cold.


Woodland Bokeh


Ducky Reflections


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